Monday, December 1, 2014

Fairy Tale Game

Hello out there in Mortal Land. I'm am back with another Fairy Tale Riddle for you.

Let's see if you know the answer to this one.

Question: “I rose from a 20 year sleep under a tree to find the world had vastly changed and I had become an old man.” Who am I?
Click on Fairy Tale Answers tab to see if you got it right!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fairy Tale Game

Hi! It is me, Shasta!

 I made it back from the land of Oz. After such a wonderful trip, I thought it might be time to post another Fairy Tale Question. Let's make this one about the Wonderful World of Oz. 

Here ya go!

Question: What was the real name of the dog, Toto in the movie?

Click on Fairy Tale Answers to see if you got it right!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fairy Tale Games

 Hi! It is me Shasta! What has everyone been doing? I have been having a fun time in Fey,
dancing with the nymphs and flying to the moon with the moon fairies. While I was gone, I had a brilliant idea. I decided that it would be fun to test your knowledge of Fey, so every week I will be asking you a question about Fairies. It will be fun to see how much you know.
Okay, it is time to start our first game. This game is called Name the Fairy. The rules are simple. I will give you a clue and you will have to name the fairy. 
Here we go!

Clue: I lurk beneath bridges and demand a payment for passage. The Three Billy Goats Gruff gave me a lot of trouble one day. What am I?

Click on Fairy Tale Answers to see if you got it right.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Review!

It's Me! Shasta. I've just found
A Wonderful Review for 
Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth!

Katie McCory loves reading about fairies. While she and her brother Billy are visiting their Grandma for Halloween Katie discovers a mysterious chest. Later she, her brother, and their friends are taken to the magical world of Fey, home to all sorts of fairies. The fairy queen tells them that an evil fairy has gotten a hold of a powerful weapon and is turning it evil. Katie, Billy, and their friends must work together to recover the dagger and save the fairies from evil.
I've always loved fantasy and this book is a masterpiece. The story is well written and the plot is paced out nicely. Some might say there are too many fairies in one book, but this is hardly the surface of the world of fairies. There are a few punctuation errors but it's nothing to worry about. If you wanted to find a land as magical as Oz or Narnia, you will find it in Fey. C.L. Collar's knowledge of fairies, combined with her excellent storytelling, engaging characters, Christian parallels, and wonderful imagination, is giving rise to a new generation of fairy tales.
Some fairies and demons may be scary for young readers. Characters are in peril from evil fairies and dark magic.
We can overcome problems by putting aside our differences and working together. We can be kept safe from evil by listening to the Spirit and warnings from our parents. No matter who we are or what we've done, we can change and become better. The powers of darkness are no match against the things that are good. Good will always prevail over evil. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Ultimate Book Quest

Hi Everyone! Starting Oct 23rd
The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth  along with many other fantastic middle grade reading books will be participating in the ULTIMATE READING QUEST. Come join the fun!
Our goal is to teach middle grade readers about genres and how to find their type of book on the internet.

The ULTIMATE READING QUEST STARTS HERE! Click on this button to join the Ultimate Reading Quest. Find authors who write the kind of books you like!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Book Review!!!!!

Yeah! The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth got another
5 STAR REVIEW on Amazon and Goodreads! Thanks Janice!
5.0 out of 5 stars A Fun and Imaginative Tale of Fairyland! June 12, 2014
By jjspina
This is a lovely story
of The Land of Fey or fairies. Children will thoroughly enjoy the magic and mystery and adventures that Katie has along with her brother and their two friends. They learn some magical things and meet some strange and mysterious creatures. They realizes they have powers of their own like the magical creatures they meet on their journey into Fey. Their powers will be put to the test in this creative tale.

This is the first installment of a series which will surely delight and captivate children. What child does not believe in magic and fairies when they are young? It was a fun story for this adult too. C.L. Collar is a talented storyteller who will have many more surprises and enthralling stories to come.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fairy Tale Answer

It is time for the answer to our Fairy Tale Quiz!

The question was  ~ In the movie, The Wizard of Oz, what was ToTo's real name?

If you guessed Jimmy, you are wrong.
If you guessed shaggy, you are wrong.
If you guessed Terry, YOU ARE RIGHT!

That was so much fun! Pop back in soon for another Fairy Tale Quiz question. 
Meanwhile, Keep having Fun in Fey!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Shasta's Surprise Guest

I found this guy hanging around my blog. When I asked him why he was there, he said that he was waiting to be interviewed.

 I huffed at him, folded my arms and said, "You were not in C.L. Collar's book, The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth, so why would I interview you?"
Do you know what he said? Now Shhhh, Don't tell anyone I told you this, especially C.L. Collar.
He said he was in C.L. Collar's new book The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and Destiny's Diamond.

I got soooo excited! I started to ask him a question about the new book, but then I remembered who he was and told him he would have to come back after Destiny's Diamond was released. If he was truly in Destiny's Diamond, then he would be the first fairy interviewed. He was not happy and left with a grumble and a sour note from his reed. 

That trickster Pan will have to show me proof before he gets an interview on my blog, but won't it be exciting if he does!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Fairy Tale Quiz

Hi! It is me, Shasta!
 I made it back from the land of Oz. After such a wonderful trip, I thought it might be time to post another Fairy Tale Question. Let's make this one about the Wonderful World of Oz. 

Here ya go!

Question: What was the real name of the dog, Toto in the movie?

Post your answer in the comments.
I'll be waiting here inside the rainbow for your answer.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Book Signing!!!!

Whoo Hooo! C.L. Collar is taking us to
Liberal, Kansas for a book signing! I have never been to Kansas before. Maybe I will meet Dorothy and her little dog. Come join us for a day full of fun!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Special

 If you missed the Free special, you can still get Katie @ the links below!
Hello all you mortals out there. 
It is me Shasta and I have a fantastic announcement to make!
C.L. Collar has decided to celebrate Easter by giving you 
The McCory Chronicles:
Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth
 Friday April 18th 
Saturday April 19th
 Here are your links!

The McCory Chronicles:
Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth  

@ Kindle -

I hope you enjoy your visit to Fey!

Have a Happy Easter 
and don't forget
you will always

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fairy Tale Answer

  HI Here is your answer to the latest Fairy Tale Question

Question: “I rose from a 20 year sleep under a tree to find the world had vastly changed and I had become an old man.” Who am I?
 ANSWER: Rip Van Wrinkle

I will have new question up next week. Be sure to stop by and see how much you know about the land of Fey!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Fairy Tale Game

Hello out there in Mortal Land. I'm am back with another Fairy Tale Riddle for you.

Let's see if you know the answer to this one.

Question: “I rose from a 20 year sleep under a tree to find the world had vastly changed and I had become an old man.” Who am I?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Answer: Fairy Tale Game

 Hi! It is me Shasta
Here is your answer to the Fairy Tale Game

Clue: I lurk beneath bridges and demand a payment for passage. The Three Billy Goats Gruff gave me a lot of trouble one day. What am I?
I am A Troll

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory & Destiny's Diamond

Hi it is me, Shasta

C.L. Collar and Katie are on a new Adventure in the Land of Fey.
In this new book, 
The McCory Chronicles:
Katie McCory and Destiny's Diamond 
you will meet many new fairies, but don't worry some of our old friends will be back to help Katie with her new problem. Our good friend Jackel, the Brownie has already found his way into the book. C.L. had better keep plenty of knuckle bread and fresh milk on hand for him. lol
If you haven't met Jackel yet, you can find his interview here! 
Just click on the Shasta Meet the Fairy tab above!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth

Katie is on her way to another adventure in Fey. The second The McCory Chronicles Book: Katie McCory and Destiny's Diamond is in the works. Until then you can meet Katie and all of her friends in the first book Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth.
Here is where you can get yours!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Astra's Answers

Hello! It's me Shasta! Omar is back 
with another 


from Astra for you! 
She just loves 
Testing your mortal minds.

Here is your question:
I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
The Answer is a Hole! Congrats Barb! You got it right!

Omar will be waiting and watching for your answers so he can take them back to Astra. Post them in the comments below!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Astra Mind Teasers

Hello! It's me Shasta! Omar is back 
with another 


from Astra for you! 
She just loves 
Testing your mortal minds.

Here is your question:
I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?

Omar will be waiting and watching for your answers so he can take them back to Astra. Post them in the comments below!

Astra's Answer

Hi! It is Shasta! I am back and Astra and Omar have left another Riddle for you to answer.

She wants you to keep that wonderful mortal mind of yours sharp as a tack. Here it is ~

Tough one!
I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?

Post your answer in the comments below. Omar will be watching for them.
 The answer is a splinter! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Astra's Mind Teasers

Hi! It is Shasta! I am back and Astra and Omar have left another Riddle for you to answer.

She wants you to keep that wonderful mortal mind of yours sharp as a tack. Here it is ~

Tough one!
I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?

Post your answer in the comments below. Omar will be watching for them.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Astra's Answer

Shasta is taking the day week off so Omar and Astra are taking over the blog this week. Astra has decided to give you another quiz to keep your mind and strong and active. Here is your question.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? 
Post your answer in the comments below. Omar will be watching and waiting!

The answer is River!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Astra's Mind Teaser

Shasta is taking the day week off so Omar and Astra are taking over the blog this week. Astra has decided to give you another quiz to keep your mind and strong and active. Here is your question.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? 
Post your answer in the comments below. Omar will be watching and waiting!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Meet the Fairy ~ Gump: The Dwarf

Hello! Shasta here! What day is it? No not hump day, it is Gump Day!
On this Meet the Fairy Wednesday, you are in for a special treat. 
My good friend 
Gump: The Dwarf is here.
 I am sure since all of you are 
familiar with dwarfs from your Snow White movie that you have some awesome questions for him so let's get started.

Shasta ~ Hi Gump. We are going to have so much fun with this interview. Thank you for coming.

Gump ~ Hi Ho there Shasta. Yes, we are. I can't wait to see what your mortal audience wants to ask me. So, what do you say, let's get started.

Shasta ~ Just like a dwarf, right down to business. Okay. Do you look like the dwarfs in the movie?

Gump ~ Well sort of, you know not all dwarfs look alike. Just like mortals we are all different. Our average height is about four foot which works well for us since we work in mines. Our arms and legs are very muscular because of the work we do. Making magical weapons takes a great amount of power and skill. Our clothing is simple, a jacket to keep us warm, comfortable pants and a magical cap to protect our heads from falling rocks. We don't need much more than that.

Shasta ~ Well that sounds very practical. It would be hard to work in a cave all dressed up. I myself prefer comfort also. Now your next question.
The mortals would like to know how you make your magical weapons?

Gump ~ Each dwarf has a special skill. Some of us work with the metals of the ground, others with the precious and semi-precious stones that we mine. The songs we sing while we work plant the magic into each piece. We really never know until the weapon is finished, what magic it will possess or how powerful it will be. After each weapon is completed it is our duty to make sure it is guarded well and kept out of the wrong hands.

Shasta ~ So that is why you sing and whistle while you work. I always wondered about that. That is so cool!

Gump ~ It also helps make the day go by faster, we love our work, but also enjoy our time off to eat, drink and be merry.

Shasta ~  Another party in Fey. We do know how to have fun here. LOL. Now here is your final question. Is it true that if you go out into the daylight you will turn into a toad.

Gump ~ Ho, ho, no. That is ridiculous. It is witches that turn into toads and they only do it when they want to. That way they can give mortals warts and blame it on the innocent toad. We do use toads as our messengers though, so maybe that is where the misunderstanding occurred. You see, toads 
live as we do. They burrow into the ground and also live on top, so they are the perfect way for us to send messages back and forth.

Shasta ~ That is amazing! I have learned so much from our little chat and I'm sure that our mortal audience has too. Thank you so much, Gump for sharing your knowledge with us today. 

Gump ~ You are quite welcome, my dear. I had a jolly good time. Now, back to work.

Shasta ~ There he goes, sinking right into the floor. I never get used to seeing him pass through the soil just like we do through air. It is awesome. 
Our time is up. Remember, if you have any questions for Gump just place them in the comments below. Bye, bye until next time and remember we are always having Fun in Fey, so come visit us often.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Meet the Fairy ~ Utopia: The Queen of the Tuatha De Danann

Hiddy Hi! It is me, Shasta! I am so nervous. On this week's Meet The Fairy, I get to interview a Fairy Queen! Yes! Queen Utopia has agreed to be interviewed today. She is so smart and gorgeous and magical and Here She Is! I see her spinning green and golden lights swirling in the doorway.

Shasta ~ Hello your Majesty, welcome to my blog. I hope you had a pleasant journey.

Utopia ~ Hello, Shasta. It was very pleasant, and please call me Utopia. We don't need to be so formal. I am here to have a nice, relaxed chat with your mortal friends.

Shasta ~ You are too kind, your Maj... Utopia. It was so good of you to come.

Utopia ~ I was happy to be invited. I have always loved mortals and the way they think. Now, I am ready to get started.

Shasta ~ Alright, here is your first question. The mortals would like to know all about your fairy troop.

Utopia ~  My troop is known as the Tuatha De Danann (Tootha day danan). Our name derives from the goddess Danu - The Mother Goddess whose divine waters give all life. Our power is great, for we possess many magic talisman. 
We are one of the oldest fairy troops in Fey.

Shasta ~ So how long has your fairy troop been around?

Utopia ~ Since before the keeping of time.

Shasta ~ Wow, I can't even imagine how long that would be. What role do you play in Fey?

Utopia ~ We are one of the strongest Fey fairy families. We try to keep order amongst the other fairies and keep the dark Fey at bay. We do not use our powers on others unless it is needed. For the most part, we try to keep Fey happy and carefree.

Shasta ~ I have heard of all of the fabulous parties your troop has arranged. I will have to attend one sometime.

Utopia ~  Yes, you should. We are quite proud of our parties and everyone is invited, even mortals.

Shasta ~ Oh, my. The mortals are saying that they are afraid to go to your parties for fear that they would not be allowed to return to mortal ground.

Utopia ~ That is just plain silly. But then again, who would want to return to mortal ground after seeing the wonders of our fabulous Fairyland? Their own minds would trap them here, not us.

Shasta ~ I can see your point. They are ready to slip away from this topic. It still scares them a little bit. Now they would like to know what you look like?

Utopia ~ That depends on what I want to look like, but my true form is that of the fairy queen.  My hair is golden and I usually wear it down around my face. My eyes are emerald and my gown is green silk and covered with dancing yellow and green lights, which swirled around me constantly. I wear a small crown adorned with a giant emerald. I am petite, but  definitely not delicate.

Shasta ~ You are truly beautiful. 

Utopia ~ Why, thank you, my dear.

Shasta ~ My mortal audience has one last question for you. They would like to know why the fairy counsel picked Katie, Billy, Donnie and Ariel to be the Chosen Ones? 

Utopia ~ Well, I really wish I could tell them, but that would make me a spoiler and I never want to be called that. They will just have to read the book to find the answer they seek.

Shasta ~ I knew they couldn't trick you into telling them that. You are much too wise. Is there anything you would like to tell our mortal fans before you go?

Utopia ~ Yes. All of you will really enjoy reading about our land in The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth. And there is so much more for you to learn about us in C.L. Collar's next book. It is very exciting!
Now, I must take my leave. "By the Tuatha De Danann, By the star, moon, sun and land, with the power of the night, I go to party through the night!  Evah Htiaf Ni Yef!”

Shasta ~ Wow, she certainly knows how to make an exit. I think after we sign off I will go and join the party. You know the drill. If you have any questions for Utopia, just post them in the comments below. Until next Wednesday we will be as always Having Fun in Fey! You can come join us if you dare. LOL.



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Meet the Fairy ~ Frey: The Fox Fairy

Shasta here with a brand spankin' new Interview! 
Today we are going to meet 
one of the most elusive fairies in Fey. Most fairies don't even get to see these exotic beings, but since Frey played such an important part in our book he has been nice enough to stop by for a short visit.
Here he is Frey, The Fox Fairy. 

Frey ~ And a very hearty hello to you, Miss Shasta. How are you this fine day?

Shasta ~ I am splendid, Frey and so delighted that you agreed to meet with me and answer some questions for our mortal audience.  

Frey ~ I understand the meaning of curiosity quite well. It is an important asset to anyone's personality, be they mortal or Fey, so that being said, just what would your mortal audience like to know about me?

Shasta ~ Okay, Frey. The first question on their list is what do you look like?

Frey ~ Well, let's see. Hummm. I guess the best way to describe me, that mortals might understand, is that I resemble a Fox. I have a long snout, and pointy ears, only mine are much larger than the fox in their realm. My hair is golden in color and grows erratically on my body. My hands have long fingers with glowing tips and I am about the size of one of their wolves. 

Shasta ~ Yes, I would say that describes you quite well, Frey. Next they would like to know just how your magic works.

Frey ~ I possess the magic of stealth and light. I can go unnoticed by many and my hearing is exceptional. I also have a keen sense of smell and sight. I travel by firefly light which is both silent and swift. 

Shasta ~ That is fascinating, Frey! They are all interested in the firefly light. They would like to know just how this works.

Frey ~ Hee, hee, hee. I see. They are curious little creatures aren't they? I guess the best way to explain it would be to have them go out into the woods and watch the fireflies. One minute the fireflies are there, all around you, and the next instant they are gone. Just like magic. 

Shasta ~ That sounds like fun, Frey. Who wouldn't want to take a little trip into the forest to watch the fireflies? 

Frey ~ Indeed. The forest is very lovely at night. 

Shasta ~ One last question before we close. What was your role in helping Katie, Billy and their friends with their quest?  

Frey ~ I, of course, was their undercover agent. My job was to gather information about Bracca and Nicnivia and relay it back to the chosen ones. It was a very dangerous and difficult job, but it was my duty and I did it proudly. 

Shasta ~ You are such a brave soul, Frey. Thank you so much for coming to visit with us. Are you going to leave by firefly light?

Frey ~ My dear, it is the only way I travel. Adieu...

Shasta There he goes in a flutter of twinkles. I wish I could travel like that. Now remember if you have any other questions for Frey just post them in the comments below and I will try my best to locate him to answer them.

Our time again has come to a close. I hope to see you next Wednesday for our next Meet the Fairy Interview. 

Ta Ta for Now!