Friday, May 16, 2014

Shasta's Surprise Guest

I found this guy hanging around my blog. When I asked him why he was there, he said that he was waiting to be interviewed.

 I huffed at him, folded my arms and said, "You were not in C.L. Collar's book, The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth, so why would I interview you?"
Do you know what he said? Now Shhhh, Don't tell anyone I told you this, especially C.L. Collar.
He said he was in C.L. Collar's new book The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory and Destiny's Diamond.

I got soooo excited! I started to ask him a question about the new book, but then I remembered who he was and told him he would have to come back after Destiny's Diamond was released. If he was truly in Destiny's Diamond, then he would be the first fairy interviewed. He was not happy and left with a grumble and a sour note from his reed. 

That trickster Pan will have to show me proof before he gets an interview on my blog, but won't it be exciting if he does!



  1. He sounds like ‘Sour Grapes’ to me. He looks pretty shifty!

  2. Ha! Ha! Ha! Lorraine. He is. I wouldn't trust him at all.
