Monday, March 31, 2014

Fairy Tale Game

Hello out there in Mortal Land. I'm am back with another Fairy Tale Riddle for you.

Let's see if you know the answer to this one.

Question: “I rose from a 20 year sleep under a tree to find the world had vastly changed and I had become an old man.” Who am I?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Answer: Fairy Tale Game

 Hi! It is me Shasta
Here is your answer to the Fairy Tale Game

Clue: I lurk beneath bridges and demand a payment for passage. The Three Billy Goats Gruff gave me a lot of trouble one day. What am I?
I am A Troll

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The McCory Chronicles: Katie McCory & Destiny's Diamond

Hi it is me, Shasta

C.L. Collar and Katie are on a new Adventure in the Land of Fey.
In this new book, 
The McCory Chronicles:
Katie McCory and Destiny's Diamond 
you will meet many new fairies, but don't worry some of our old friends will be back to help Katie with her new problem. Our good friend Jackel, the Brownie has already found his way into the book. C.L. had better keep plenty of knuckle bread and fresh milk on hand for him. lol
If you haven't met Jackel yet, you can find his interview here! 
Just click on the Shasta Meet the Fairy tab above!