My good friend
Gump: The Dwarf is here.
I am sure since all of you are
familiar with dwarfs from your Snow White movie that you have some awesome questions for him so let's get started.
Shasta ~ Hi Gump. We are going to have so much fun with this interview. Thank you for coming.
Gump ~ Hi Ho there Shasta. Yes, we are. I can't wait to see what your mortal audience wants to ask me. So, what do you say, let's get started.
Shasta ~ Just like a dwarf, right down to business. Okay. Do you look like the dwarfs in the movie?
Gump ~ Well sort of, you know not all dwarfs look alike. Just like mortals we are all different. Our average height is about four foot which works well for us since we work in mines. Our arms and legs are very muscular because of the work we do. Making magical weapons takes a great amount of power and skill. Our clothing is simple, a jacket to keep us warm, comfortable pants and a magical cap to protect our heads from falling rocks. We don't need much more than that.
Shasta ~ Well that sounds very practical. It would be hard to work in a cave all dressed up. I myself prefer comfort also. Now your next question.
The mortals would like to know how you make your magical weapons?
Gump ~ Each dwarf has a special skill. Some of us work with the metals of the ground, others with the precious and semi-precious stones that we mine. The songs we sing while we work plant the magic into each piece. We really never know until the weapon is finished, what magic it will possess or how powerful it will be. After each weapon is completed it is our duty to make sure it is guarded well and kept out of the wrong hands.
Shasta ~ So that is why you sing and whistle while you work. I always wondered about that. That is so cool!
Gump ~ It also helps make the day go by faster, we love our work, but also enjoy our time off to eat, drink and be merry.
Shasta ~ Another party in Fey. We do know how to have fun here. LOL. Now here is your final question. Is it true that if you go out into the daylight you will turn into a toad.
Gump ~ Ho, ho, no. That is ridiculous. It is witches that turn into toads and they only do it when they want to. That way they can give mortals warts and blame it on the innocent toad. We do use toads as our messengers though, so maybe that is where the misunderstanding occurred. You see, toads
live as we do. They burrow into the ground and also live on top, so they are the perfect way for us to send messages back and forth.
Shasta ~ That is amazing! I have learned so much from our little chat and I'm sure that our mortal audience has too. Thank you so much, Gump for sharing your knowledge with us today.
Gump ~ You are quite welcome, my dear. I had a jolly good time. Now, back to work.
Shasta ~ There he goes, sinking right into the floor. I never get used to seeing him pass through the soil just like we do through air. It is awesome.
Our time is up. Remember, if you have any questions for Gump just place them in the comments below. Bye, bye until next time and remember we are always having Fun in Fey, so come visit us often.
Hi. I've been exposed to the idea of dwarfs all my life and I've even included them in my book I've written. It's hard to do a fantasy without dwarfs. I do have some questions:
ReplyDelete1. When referring to your race in plural would it be dwarfs or dwarves?
2. Some stories I've read suggested that dwarfs and goblins are bitter enemies. Is that true, and if so why do you hate each other?
3. If someone stole something from a dwarf what would happen? Some stories I've grown up with suggested that's one of the most foolish things a person can do when it comes to dwarfs.
4. What were some of your favorite finds? When doing your work did you ever find anything that truly surprised you, like a really special gem or the remains of an unknown creature?
5. Last question, I promise. How much can a dwarf eat and drink at one meal? I just thought it'd be good to know in case I invite any to a party.
Gump ~ My ,David, you are an inquisitive one, aren't ya. Well, I will do my best to answer all of your questions.
Delete1. We dwarfs or dwarves really don't care much for about spellin', so whatever works for you works for us.
2. We do HATE goblins, but they like us really well. Especially in a good stew or roasted over blazing hot fire. I think that probable explains why we HATE goblins. Also they smell like garbage and are very stupid. That alone would be enough to HATE them.
3. Stealing from anyone in Fey is quite dangerous, but stealing from dwarfs is really stupid. You see, we attach a hex to all of our possessions. Each item has a different hex depending on how valuable the item is to us. The more valuable the item, the worse the hex. One thing you mortals might want to remember though is that a fairy hex or curse will live through many of your generations, so it would be best just to leave our stuff alone.
4. My personal best find was a glorious Red Diamond. They are as rare here as they are on mortal earth. This one was the size of my fist and had a beautiful Purplish Red color. Its magical essence was amazing. As to finding any remains, well if we do we just toss them aside. We have no use for them. Bones are just bones and that stuff gets in our way of finding gems.
5. Ho, ho, David. This is a very good question and I am not sure if I can answer it. As far as I know most dwarfs will eat and drink until there is nothing left on the table or in the pantry. So if you do invite us over, you might want to stash some food and wine some where else.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope this helps you understand us a little better. If you do decide to have that dinner party, just send us a message by toad. We will be there quicker than a pimple on a teen. Been nice talkin' to ya' Bye.