Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Meet the Fairy ~ Frey: The Fox Fairy

Shasta here with a brand spankin' new Interview! 
Today we are going to meet 
one of the most elusive fairies in Fey. Most fairies don't even get to see these exotic beings, but since Frey played such an important part in our book he has been nice enough to stop by for a short visit.
Here he is Frey, The Fox Fairy. 

Frey ~ And a very hearty hello to you, Miss Shasta. How are you this fine day?

Shasta ~ I am splendid, Frey and so delighted that you agreed to meet with me and answer some questions for our mortal audience.  

Frey ~ I understand the meaning of curiosity quite well. It is an important asset to anyone's personality, be they mortal or Fey, so that being said, just what would your mortal audience like to know about me?

Shasta ~ Okay, Frey. The first question on their list is what do you look like?

Frey ~ Well, let's see. Hummm. I guess the best way to describe me, that mortals might understand, is that I resemble a Fox. I have a long snout, and pointy ears, only mine are much larger than the fox in their realm. My hair is golden in color and grows erratically on my body. My hands have long fingers with glowing tips and I am about the size of one of their wolves. 

Shasta ~ Yes, I would say that describes you quite well, Frey. Next they would like to know just how your magic works.

Frey ~ I possess the magic of stealth and light. I can go unnoticed by many and my hearing is exceptional. I also have a keen sense of smell and sight. I travel by firefly light which is both silent and swift. 

Shasta ~ That is fascinating, Frey! They are all interested in the firefly light. They would like to know just how this works.

Frey ~ Hee, hee, hee. I see. They are curious little creatures aren't they? I guess the best way to explain it would be to have them go out into the woods and watch the fireflies. One minute the fireflies are there, all around you, and the next instant they are gone. Just like magic. 

Shasta ~ That sounds like fun, Frey. Who wouldn't want to take a little trip into the forest to watch the fireflies? 

Frey ~ Indeed. The forest is very lovely at night. 

Shasta ~ One last question before we close. What was your role in helping Katie, Billy and their friends with their quest?  

Frey ~ I, of course, was their undercover agent. My job was to gather information about Bracca and Nicnivia and relay it back to the chosen ones. It was a very dangerous and difficult job, but it was my duty and I did it proudly. 

Shasta ~ You are such a brave soul, Frey. Thank you so much for coming to visit with us. Are you going to leave by firefly light?

Frey ~ My dear, it is the only way I travel. Adieu...

Shasta There he goes in a flutter of twinkles. I wish I could travel like that. Now remember if you have any other questions for Frey just post them in the comments below and I will try my best to locate him to answer them.

Our time again has come to a close. I hope to see you next Wednesday for our next Meet the Fairy Interview. 

Ta Ta for Now! 

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