Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Scary October (Excerpt 3)

It is that spooky day again, Spooky Wednesday! This week's excerpt from Katie McCory and the Dagger of Truth is not only scary but quite smelly also, so you might want to hold your nose while reading this one.

Billy stepped up to the rock. “After fighting that Raven, I am ready for anything,” he said.
            He stepped onto the rock and found himself facing an enormous green egg. It reeked with the smell of rot. He pinched his nose shut and walked toward the egg to examine it more closely. The egg began to crack and shake, then it exploded. Large pieces of shell flew to the ground. Billy dodged, barely avoiding getting clobbered by an extremely slimy piece. Next, a grotesque monster emerged from the shell. Its body was scaly, green and yellow, and oozed with a brown, repugnant fluid. It had small horns sprouting from its head and a large, gruesome nose with boogers dangling from the nostrils. Its eyes were bloodshot, red, and narrow. The monster’s hands were bird -like with long sharp claws protruding from the ends. Its legs were short and stout with feet resembling a lizard’s. It spit rancid meat from its mouth at Billy.
            “What are you supposed to be?” asked Billy, gagging at the putrid smell.
            The monster didn’t answer. It glared at Billy and threw a spitball of rotten fluid in his direction. 
 Written By: C.L.Collar

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